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WOWYEAH – Boost your love stories! Who is behind this project?

We are Claudia and Jörn Wonneberger, designers, owners of a sewing business and the Wojoer* brand.

What exactly is WOWYEAH?

“WOWYEAH is the first natural taste spray that is suitable for every inch of your body” – Claudia announces. Jörn then adds: “We use natural flavors, natural essential oils and organic sugar instead of synthetic sweeteners.”

Our body spray slows you down and will enchant you with its unique spectrum of effects: from gliding to enjoyment to ‘I stick to you’, this spray will inspire your imagination.” How exactly does it work? You can find out below in the text.

What can this spray do?

“Basically, our sprays are comparable to recipes for 5-course gourmet menus,” smiles Jörn. “The right combination of good ingredients for a gourmet meal inspires and enchants and can make you float.”

What our spray is supposed to do is prolong the savoring of the moment before the actual act of love. In today’s world of information overload, we want to create a counterbalance. See each other, perceive each other, get to know each other, feel and sense each other and experience a slowly building up togetherness and not the mechanical reaction of two bodies.

As children, we simply live out our imaginative daydreams and are completely absorbed in our roles as doll parents, ice cream vendors, cowboys, digger drivers, policemen, astronauts and mythical creatures. In the adult world, we increasingly lack the time and energy to give our fantasies space. The result is that we no longer feel the fun and meaning of life. This means that even as adults, we all long to play inventively and let ourselves be inspired.

When, where and how can you create space for your imagination as an adult?

What you need is space and time for you and yourselves, and it doesn’t have to be that much. Just take an hour, half an hour or a quarter of an hour. At home in bed, on the couch, in the washing machine, in the kitchen or in the shower. Depending on where you want to apply the spray, you can retreat undisturbed or even pimp the French kiss in the club, in the park or on the beach and increase the anticipation of later undisturbed togetherness or intimacy with yourself. And to give you plenty of incentive, all our WOWYAHs come with short instructions. This means that each bottle comes with selected instructions. The right game for every occasion and every desired effect. There are many situations in which you long for imaginative play but don’t really know how to go about it:

For example, you’re newly in love and full of zest for action, you want to spend every free minute with your partner as varied as possible with rose-colored glasses? You’ve been through years of ups and downs and know each other inside out, but still want to enjoy an exciting time together? Have you just met a super exciting stranger and don’t want to let this electrifying attraction simply fizzle out, but rather extend it and savor it as long and intensely as possible before going your separate ways again, enriched on both sides? Oh, you’ve got several people on the line at once and don’t want to be overwhelmed by the wealth of possibilities? Slow down with a tastefully imaginative game to slowly find each other. Oh, and at the end of a long working day you’re sitting alone on the couch and want to treat yourself to something other than your steno series in front of the screen? Then just play a short or long game with yourself!


How did you actually come up with the idea for the fun spray?

“For our exclusive bodywear brand Wojoer (pronounced ‘voyeur’), we are always looking for new ideas to make everyday life a little sweeter for our fans and offer them scope to rediscover themselves time and time again. This is why we also create annual Christmas packages with selected Wojoer specials and matching supplements. For Christmas 2022, we wanted to integrate the Blowdrops pleasure sprays, but unfortunately we didn’t get the promised cooperation because our brand was labeled as too “gay”,” reports Jörn. Too “gay”? Is there even such a thing? So instead of the sprays, Claudia and Jörn opted for a high-quality luxury alternative: the delicious bottle-aged sparkling wine “August der Starke” from Schloss Wackerbarth in Saxony. “A good choice!” smiles Clau

What happened next?

Jörn simply didn’t want to let go of the topic of pleasure and fun sprays. “The existing providers are mainly aimed at heterosexual couples. We, on the other hand, want to appeal to all orientations,” explains Jörn. “After testing various sprays such as Blowdrops, ErosYummy and Tasty Pops, we realized that they were very sweet in taste, but used artificial sweeteners and offered no real added value.”

This led Claudia and Jörn to delve deeper into the subject and develop their own recipes.

But you don’t develop a completely new product from one day to the next, do you? Did you stand at the stove from morning to night and make fruit teas like the herb witches or how can we imagine that?

“It looked something like that at the beginning. We used organic essential oils, natural spices, herbs from our own garden and organic sugar to create interesting flavors in our kitchen at home. But many of these sometimes ingenious mixtures remained unstable or quickly watered down or flocculated or, or, or.” With these experiences and the first flavor formulas, Jörn sought professional support. A difficult undertaking. Of the many companies contacted, in the end only one felt competent enough to realize this project. Together with Cosmacon GmbH from Schenefeld, the project goal was precisely defined and worked on for months.

To begin with, three unique flavors were created: “Candy Dream”, “Summer Candy Explosion” and “Cool Hardcore Candy”.

What is the difference between the first three sprays?

Each spray seduces with its very own effect, which we will briefly describe below so that you can make a better decision:

“Candy Dream” is reminiscent of a delicious bubblegum-style ice cream with a blend of strawberry, vanilla and chocolate as well as subtle notes of avocado, juniper berry, cinnamon and ginseng. These ingredients are said to increase anticipation and have positive effects on well-being at the same time. In short: it stimulates where more power is needed and calms where relaxation is required. Try it out! Either with our WOWYEAH Candy Dream or with fresh ingredients from your favorite market. It is a gentle, not too sweet and therefore perfect starter spray.

“Summer Candy Explosion” combines the taste of summer fruits such as orange, lime and watermelon with a hint of eucalyptus and juniper berry. Did you know that melon is not only a delicious dessert, but is also considered healthy? Agricultural researchers at Texas A&M University have discovered that the large amounts of amino acids in melon have a positive effect on blood vessels throughout the body. Juniper berries also have an antiviral effect and are effective against bacteria and fungi.“

“Cool Hardcore Candy” offers an exciting blend of menthol, mint and ginger for a refreshing experience, married with turmeric and clove with a hint of lemon and juniper berry. This combination creates an exciting balance between invigorating freshness and gentle spiciness. In China, ginger root has long been regarded as a herbal aphrodisiac and so all the ingredients together provide an explosion of the senses, mind and body.

What exactly happens when this WOWYEAH is sprayed on?

When first applied, it creates a fine gliding effect that encourages you to rediscover intensive skin contact in a variety of ways. You will find various approaches to this in our instructions. A gentle taste on the lips for an intense kiss, on the skin for an unusually smooth touch with a gentle hand. Or directly on your private parts for a light and gentle glide. The slight stickiness that sets in after some time in the air can be extensively tested for some tingling skin-to-skin play. Close your eyes and feel, smell and taste! With its wonderful taste and scent, body parts can experience a completely new and long-lasting exploration. Just start loving yourself again!

In today’s world, it is important to find a stimulating balance to stressful everyday life and to reconnect with each other. With a lot of dedication, we have developed these three final formulas, which will soon be ready for bottling.

“Now we need you to make this project a reality!”

say Claudia and Jörn Wonneberger, the founders of the Wojoer brand.


*Wojoer is a brand of the Wonneberger Manufaktur. The company was founded in 1882 by Reinhold Rümmler in Mühlau, Saxony, Germany, has been run by the fourth generation since 1981 under the name Hermann Kutzschbach and has been managed by the fifth generation, Claudia and Jörn Wonneberger, since 2015. We have been producing beachwear and special underwear at our site since 1993, mostly under other names and external brands. Our exotic own brand Wojoer (pronounced ‘voyeur’) was founded in 2016.

What do we use the money generated here for?

This project is a tremendous financial and physical effort. Several thousand euros have already been invested in researching and developing the formulas and carrying out the efficacy tests and certification, half of which was financed by a funding and grant program. The next step is now to develop the product design, purchase and produce the packaging, as well as the final bottling, for which we will use the money raised here. The €12,400 just about covers this phase. If we generate more money with this project, we will invest this money in the development of further recipes and push ahead with another product idea.

Risks and challenges

This is our first Indiegogo campaign and also our third brand foundation. We have successfully gained a lot of experience and have dealt extensively with the topic of crowdfunding. The WOWYEAH project has been running for over a year and is in the final phase. All development stages with the corresponding laboratory services, certifications and the subsequent production were and are professionally covered, tested and managed by Cosmacon GmbH. The risks and challenges are therefore very low.

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